March 16, 2023

The Role of Blockchain in Supply Chain Management (SCM)

The following four-part Insights series will look at the use of blockchain in various industries and areas. Part 1 is about the role of blockchain in supply chain management.


Blockchain technology has transformed the business world, and supply chain management is no exception. With its ability to create secure and transparent networks, blockchain will reshape the way we manage supply chains. And it has already started.

Therefore, a lot of time, money and energy is put here, and a multitude of that money is expected for the industry in the future: According to a comprehensive research report by Market Research Future (MRFR), the market is expected to grow significantly to reach a value of around USD 17.15 billion by the end of 2030.

In recent years, supply chain management has become increasingly complex. Globalisation and advances in technology have made it possible for companies to operate across borders and collaborate with suppliers and partners from all over the world. While this has led to increased efficiency and lower costs, it has also created new challenges.
One of the biggest challenges facing supply chain managers today is maintaining visibility across the entire network. As goods move from one location to another, it can be difficult to track them accurately. This lack of transparency can lead to delays, errors, and even fraud. Like it always used to be.
So this is where blockchain comes in. By creating a secure and transparent network that allows for real-time tracking of goods at every stage of the supply chain, blockchain technology can help address many of these challenges. It provides a tamper-proof ledger that ensures data integrity while enabling all parties on the network to access information in real-time.

In this article, we will explore how blockchain technology can help improve transparency, traceability, and efficiency across the entire supply chain. We will examine different use cases for blockchain in supply chain management and highlight best practices for successful implementation. Finally, we will look ahead to the future and examine how blockchain technology is likely to transform supply chain management over the coming years.

Understanding the Basics of Blockchain Technology

Blockchain technology is a decentralised digital ledger that records transactions in a secure and transparent manner. It was first introduced in 2008 as the backbone of Bitcoin, but has since expanded to a wide range of applications.

The blockchain consists of blocks, which are linked together in chronological order to form a chain. Each block contains a set of transactions that have been verified by network participants known as nodes. Once a block is added to the chain, it cannot be altered or deleted.

One of the key features of blockchain technology is its decentralisation. Unlike traditional databases, which are typically controlled by a single entity, blockchain allows for multiple parties to participate in the network and verify transactions. This means that there is no central point of control and no single point of failure.

Another important feature of blockchain technology is its security. The use of cryptography ensures that once data has been recorded on the blockchain, it cannot be altered without consensus from the network participants. This makes it virtually impossible for hackers or malicious actors to tamper with data on the blockchain.

Furthermore, there are several different types of blockchains, including public blockchains, private blockchains, and consortium blockchains. Public blockchains are open to anyone who wants to participate and do not require permission from anyone to join. Private blockchains, on the other hand, are only accessible to authorised participants who have been granted permission by the network owner. Consortium blockchains are semi-private and require permission from multiple parties in order to join.

Overall, blockchain technology provides a secure and transparent way to record transactions without the need for intermediaries or centralised control. Its decentralisation and security make it therefore an ideal solution for supply chain management where transparency and trust between different parties are crucial components.

Benefits of Implementing Blockchain in Supply Chain Management

Implementing blockchain technology in supply chain management can provide a range of benefits, including:

Improved Traceability, Transparency and Trust

The key quality of the blockchain is the transparent and immutable record of all transactions within the supply chain. This facilitates the tracing of products from their origin to their destination, improves accountability and reduces the risk of fraud. This also provides greater transparency within the supply chain and allows companies to track products and monitor performance in real time. This in turn can also improve trust between partners within the supply chain.

Increased Efficiency leads to speed

By automating many processes within the supply chain, blockchain technology can increase efficiency and reduce costs. This could include automating payments, tracking inventory levels, or streamlining logistics processes. And it paves way for another critical component: the need for speed.

Reduced Costs 

Implementing blockchain technology can help reduce costs across the entire supply chain by eliminating intermediaries and reducing administrative overheads. That starts in the development and planning phase and stretches to making, delivering and also returning products.
For example, the automotive industry can save costs through reducing the cost of inventory tracking. Currently, tracking inventory levels involves manual tasks such as checking for stock availability and manually updating records. By leveraging blockchain, companies can automate these processes and reduce the administrative overheads associated with them.

The Blockchain has also the potential to securely store and share data across the entire product lifecycle. This means that all stakeholders, from suppliers to manufacturers and distributors, can access the same data in real-time. This can help reduce costs associated with manual data entry and errors, as well as improving collaboration between all parties involved. Also the amount of reduced paperwork among the entire supply chain is monumental. Additionally, blockchain can also help reduce product development costs by providing a secure platform for tracking progress throughout the design process and ensuring that changes are tracked accurately. This can help to minimise delays and mistakes during the development phase and allows for faster time-to-market (TTM).

Enhanced Security by Immutability

Blockchain technology is highly secure due to its distributed nature and use of cryptography. Immutability is one of the key features of blockchain technology. By using distributed ledgers and cryptographic techniques, data stored on a blockchain can be permanently secured and remain unchanged over time. This makes it virtually impossible for malicious actors to tamper with data on the blockchain or alter the history of transactions. Immutability also allows for improved traceability within a supply chain, as all data is immutable and can be easily traced back to its source. This as well enhances trust between different parties in the supply chain and makes it easier for companies to maintain accountability. 

Better Customer Experience

Also the customers benefit from the use of the blockchain in SCM, because businesses are able to deliver products faster and more accurately. Additionally, blockchain’s transparent nature allows customers to trace the origins of their products and track them through the supply chain. This helps build customer trust in businesses as they can see exactly where their product is and know that the product is authentic and has been sourced responsibly. Sustainability is a key factor in this decade, for consumers and business alike. Trust and having the ability to make sustainable choices that have an impact for the planet and the lives of people working on the product is intensely rewarding and leads to great levels of customer experience and customer satisfaction.

Use Cases for Blockchain in Supply Chain Management

There are many potential use cases for blockchain technology in supply chain management. Here are some of the most promising applications. Traceability sits at the root of most of the use cases and benefits that derive from that ability.

Traceability and Transparency

One of the biggest challenges for supply chain management executives is maintaining visibility across the network. Blockchain technology can help address this challenge by providing a secure and transparent way to track goods as they move through the supply chain. This can help reduce the problems already mentioned while improving efficiency, security and the shopping experience for businesses, wholesalers, retailers and ultimately consumers.

(Fig X, Cointelegraph – Benefits of blockchain-based traceability)

Environmental and Ethical Sustainability

As sustainability and ESG aspects become more important in our world, blockchain technology will be used to promote environmental sustainability by tracking carbon emissions and other environmental impacts throughout the supply chain. This information can then be used to identify areas for improvement and reduce overall environmental impact. In addition, blockchain technology can help companies ensure that their products are ethically sourced. By tracking products from the point of origin, businesses can identify and flag any potential ethical issues such as child or slave labour, fair wages or safe working environments in the supply chain.

Quality Assurance

Blockchain technology can be used to ensure that products meet certain quality standards throughout the supply chain. By recording data on the blockchain at each stage of production, companies can track and verify compliance with specific requirements.

Counterfeit Prevention

Brand and product piracy through counterfeit products is a significant problem in many industries, especially luxury goods and pharmaceuticals. Blockchain technology can help prevent counterfeiting by creating a tamper-proof record of product ownership and authenticity.

Streamlining Payment Processing

Blockchain technology can also be used to streamline payment processing in supply chains. By using smart contracts, payments can be automated based on predefined conditions such as delivery confirmation or quality inspection.

These are just a few examples of how blockchain technology can be used in supply chain management. As the technology evolves, we are likely to see more innovative use cases over time. At the end of this article, you can see (Fig 2.) the extent to which blockchain will have an impact in different areas in the future.

Challenges and Limitations of Blockchain in Supply Chain Management

While blockchain technology offers many potential benefits for supply chain management, there are also several challenges and limitations that must be taken into account:

Integration with Existing Systems

One of the biggest challenges for companies looking to adopt blockchain is integrating it into their existing systems. This can be a complex and time-consuming process, especially if the company has several legacy systems in place. This means that most companies need time and resources to ensure that their systems are properly linked to the Blockchain.

Cybersecurity and Data Privacy Concerns

Businesses must be aware of any security risks associated with the use of blockchain technology. While the distributed ledger is inherently secure, malicious actors can still take advantage of vulnerabilities to compromise data and networks. The same applies to data privacy, there is still a risk that sensitive information could be exposed if proper precautions are not taken due to its transparency of the blockchain.

Companies must be vigilant in protecting their systems against security threats, data breaches and malicious actors. Cybersecurity measures such as encryption, firewalls and identity verification should be part of any security protocol, and should play a crucial part in any organisation – regardless of whether the blockchain is involved or not. 

Scalability Issues

The more companies use blockchain technology, the more the question of scalability arises. The current infrastructure may not be able to process large volumes of transactions without significant delays or other performance issues. This challenge goes hand in hand with integration into legacy systems. 

Legal and Regulatory Uncertainty

Since blockchain technology is still relatively new, there is some uncertainty around how it will be regulated in different jurisdictions. This creates legal and regulatory risks for companies that want to adopt the technology. Organisations must be aware of any changes in regulations that could affect their use of blockchain technology.

Cost Considerations

Finally, there are cost considerations associated with implementing blockchain technology in supply chain management. While the potential benefits are significant, companies must also consider the costs associated with developing and maintaining a blockchain network over time. And since blockchain technology is quite young, there are only a limited number of developers available.

Best Practices for Successful Implementation of Blockchain in Supply Chain Management

Despite the challenges, there are proven ways to successfully implement blockchain technology in supply chain management. Companies should follow these best practices:

1. Identify Key Use Cases

Before implementing blockchain technology, it's important to identify the key use cases that will provide the most value for your supply chain. Improving traceability opens the door for further benefits like reducing fraud and increasing efficiency and sustainability. Always consider the potential risks and costs associated with the use case and think about the worst-case scenario.

2. Follow Security Best Practices 

When it comes to data security, it is imperative that companies adopt best practices to ensure that sensitive information is protected. This includes using strong encryption, implementing access control measures and regularly checking the security of the network. When implementing blockchain in supply chain management, ensuring data privacy and security is critical. This includes using encryption or other security measures to protect sensitive information. Security should be at the top of your agenda.

3. Analyse the Impact on Existing Systems 

When implementing blockchain technology, it's important to analyse the potential impact on existing systems and processes. This includes considering how it will interact with legacy systems and any changes that must be made to ensure smooth integration.

4. Collaborate with Partners

Implementing blockchain technology requires collaboration with partners across the supply chain. By working together, you can ensure that everyone is on board and that the implementation is successful. For having that success, sharing information and knowledge is essential, because your partners will have just the same challenges like you when it comes to security, integration and migration as well as legal issues.

5. Choose the Right Blockchain Network

There are many different types of blockchain networks, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Take your time to choose the right network for your needs - based on factors such as scalability, security and interoperability. Because this will largely determine whether your implementation will be successful or not.

6. Monitor Performance

Finally, it's important to monitor the performance of your blockchain implementation over time. This will help you identify any issues or areas for improvement and ensure that the system continues to provide value over time.

By following these best practices, companies can successfully implement blockchain technology in their supply chains and reap its many potential benefits. One of the most important aspects is having the right technology partners or professionals on board to help guide them through the process of implementation. With their expertise, companies can ensure that their blockchain investments are successful and provide lasting value.

Future Outlook: How Will Blockchain Transform the Future of Supply Chain Management?

Blockchain technology has already begun to transform supply chain management, but its impact is only just beginning. Here are some projections of how blockchain will play into supply chain management in the future. Also take a look at Fig. 2 "Strategic business value of Blockchain" for more insights.

Greater Adoption

As more businesses recognise the benefits of blockchain technology, we can expect to see greater adoption across the entire supply chain. This will create a more interconnected and efficient ecosystem that benefits everyone involved.

Increased Integration with IoT

Talking about an interconnected ecosystem, the Internet of Things (IoT) is already being used in many supply chains to track products and monitor performance. By combining it with blockchain technology, IoT devices can provide even greater transparency and traceability within the supply chain.

Improved Sustainability

Europe will soon have mandatory reporting on environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues. On Dezember 16, 2022, the European Parliament adopted the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive. Using the directive, the EU is aiming for a uniform and binding framework that will end greenwashing and strengthen the social market economy. In the future, companies will have to give more information about the social and environmental effects of their actions. Therefore, blockchain technology will help improve sustainability within the supply chain by making it easier to track and verify sustainable practices such as fair trade and wages or ethical practices.

Emergence of New Business Models

As blockchain technology continues to evolve, we may see entirely new business models emerge within the supply chain that take advantage of its unique capabilities. Food safety is one  example of a new business model. The IBM Food Trust platform uses blockchain technology to enhance transparency and traceability in the food supply chain. It enables food producers, processors, distributors, and retailers to track and share information about the origin, quality, and safety of food products. In this way, contaminated or unsafe products can be quickly and accurately identified and sorted out, reducing the risk of foodborne illness and minimising the impact of food recalls. 

(Fig 2: McKinsey - Strategic Business Value of Blockchain, via Visualcapitalist)

The following four-part Insights series will look at the use of blockchain in various industries and areas. Part 1 is about the role of blockchain in supply chain management.
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